Agenda 2025
12th, 2h30 PM , stories forJeugdboekenmaand 25, Bloemekenswijk, Gent.
13th, 9h AM, 10h30 AM en 1h30 PM, stories for Jeugdboekenmaand 25, Library Schaarbeek.
15th, 11h-12h AM, Stories in the Library, Library Vilvoorde.
19th, 2h30 PM, stories forJeugdboekenmaand 25, Nieuw Gent, Gent.
21st, 9h AM, 10h30 AM en 1h30 PM, stories for Jeugdboekenmaand 25, Library Neder-over-Heembeek.
22nd, 7h PM, Storytelling Dinner: The Foolsship, De Bayostraat 10, Leuven. Reserveren:
23rd, Concert with Venturi, Gestel/Berlaar
24th, 'Losing your words', Alden Biesen, Springfestival.
25th, 'Losing your words', Alden Biesen, Springfestival.
26th, 9h AM, 10h30 AM en 1h30 PM, stories for Jeugdboekenmaand 25, Library Etterbeek.
27th, 9h AM, 10h30 AM en 1h30 PM, stories for Jeugdboekenmaand 25, Library Etterbeek.
29th 11h-12h AM, Stories in the Library, Library Vilvoorde.
26th, 8PM, Alden Biesen, International Storytelling Festival.
7th, 11AM, Stories in the Library, Library Vilvoorde.
21st 11AM, Stories in the library, Library Vilvoorde.