
Katelijne Billet (°21/12/1970) is a poet, a storyteller and singer. She writes poems that tell stories. She tells stories in a poetic way. While telling stories or reciting poems she sings. With the sound of her voice, her choice of words and themes, she can capture atmospheres like no one else. And she can transfer them flawless to her audience. The images she makes, appeal to every listener whether they are young or old. 

She has a Master’s degree in dramatical arts, specialized in spoken word, from The Royal Conservatory of Antwerp. 

In the ’90 she works as a voice-over actress, as a reporter on cultural topics for the Belgian Radio and Television institute, now called VRT (Vlaamse Radio and Television). She teaches at the same time ‘Phonetics, diction and voice training’ at the Royal Conservatory in Antwerp. In that period she founded a theater group with Bert Gabriel (now a stand-up comedian). They perform in Leuven, Brussels and Mechelen.

From 2003 until 2015 she is the singer of the ‘conjunto de tango’ called Cebra Negra. They bring the old tango’s alive in the Belgian tango scene. In 2011 they release a full album with that tango repertoire. The project is named after a famous Astor Piazzolla tango ‘ Balada para un loco’. Cebra Negra translated one of the lines from that tango as the title of the album ‘De achternoenen van Buenos Aires’.

You can hear her tell stories at several festivals in Belgium (Alden Biesen and many more) and abroad. For example in 2015 you could listen to her at Festival of The Edge, Muchwenlock, UK.

In 2017 she starts a training as a storyteller ‘Walking the Wild Woods’ with drutsila Shonaleigh Cumbers in the UK. In January 2021 she finishes this training with success in an online storytelling festival with a story she wrote herself ‘Two little heroes’ about two kids that develop the power of their mind all by themselves.

She writes stories with which she tries to call on both adult’s and children’s minds. She tells in Dutch, her mother tongue. But you can also book her for an English or French storytelling session.

Together with her good friend Bie Van de Kerckhove of de Maaltafel Catering, she develops the concept storytelling diner with ‘Diner with red roses’ as their first project. While eating Bie’s refined food, you enjoy listening to a beautiful story. 

She teaches part-time drama and spoken words art at the Provincial High School for Arts in Hasselt, Belgium.